


SAYISAL KİTAP provides an online Digital Library where libraries and other institutions can subscribe annually, either by selecting books and journals one by one or on a collection basis and make the subscribed e-resources available to all users free of charge.

Library users can access the books on the SAYISAL KİTAP platform with a web browser on any computer or mobile device, find the book they want with the search and filtering options and read them free of charge. If users wish, they can create their own bookshelf from the books they choose and can search and mark inside the books they read. They can use features such as taking notes, citing, and sharing links.

Library administrators can access statistics, see messages and resource requests from users, download MARC records for uploading to their automation systems.

SAYISAL KİTAP offers Digital Home Library features for personal use and e-collections for individual users to read online. People can subscribe to the collections they want for certain periods and can access and read all the resources in the collection 7-24 anywhere with internet access.


Thanks to its e-Librarian features, it provides a different experience beyond just reading books, with information on books, authors and libraries.

SAYISAL KİTAP database, which includes quality e-Books and e-Journals compiled from reputable publishing houses in Turkey, can be accessed at

24/7 Everywhere

SAYISAL KİTAP gives its users the opportunity to access from anywhere at any time.

Mobile Compatible

SAYISAL KİTAP can be accessed from computers and mobile devices. It can be used on a web browser without the need for a special application.

Personal Bookshelf

Users can create their own custom libraries with the books they choose using the "Bookshelf" feature. 

Search and Filtering

With advanced search and filtering options, users can easily find resources on the subject they are interested in.


Within the framework of academic honesty, citation options are available in various standards.


Library Administrators can transfer MARC records, manage users and respond to their requests.

Academic and Cultural Databases

Akademik ve Kültürel Veritabanları

SAYISAL GRAFİK presents the following international electronic resource databases to libraries in Turkey, which it believes will contribute to academic and cultural studies:

World Scientific Press

Scientific journal and book platform with Nobel Prize-winning authors:

WSP e-Journals
WSP e-Books

Philosophy Documentation Center

US-based international database of Philosophy journals and books:

PDC Philosophy Database

Jaypee Digital

Health Sciences library for physicians, healthcare professionals, academics and medical students:

Jaypee Digital

CNKI - Resources in Chinese

Academic journals, theses, dissertations & cultural books in Chinese:
e-Journals in Chinese
e-Books in Chinese
Theses and Dissertations

CNKI - Resources in English

Academic journals, proceedings, theses & dissertations published in China in English or translated into English:

Academic Reference

Nurimedia - Korean Databases

Academic journals, proceedings and cultural resources from Korea:

e-Journals & Proceedings in English
e-Resources in Korean

Torrossa - South Europe Database

Academic books and journals in different languages from Southern European publishers:

Torrossa Database

CEEOL - Central & Eastern Europe

Academic database of more than 1,200 publishers from Central and Eastern Europe:

CEEOL Database

Comics Plus - Comics & Manga

Thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga :

Comics Plus
Comics Plus - K12

Qulto ILS

Library Automation

SAYISAL GRAFİK is the Authorized Dealer of QULTO Library Automation Software that can meet all automation requirements of libraries of all types and scales.

Supporting international cataloguing standards, QULTO Library Automation Software offers both on-premise and cloud-based configuration with its Turkish and English user interface.

• International cataloguing standards (AACL2, MARC21, ISBD)
• Ability to add covers, photos, videos, etc. to records
• e-Resource metadata management
• Management of periodicals
• Inventory reports
• Ability to import old catalog data
• Z39.50 support

• Borrowing and return transactions
• Automatic overdue messages
• Interlibrary loan transactions
• Lending statistics
• Ability to reserve via OPAC 

• Order tracking and budgeting
• Order and payment lists
• Ability to create different cost centers
• Order statistics and reports 

• Compatibility with RFID-based inventory and security systems
• Acquisition and lending transactions
• Automatic borrowing and return support
• Easy search and filtering
• Advanced search options
• Customization according to the institutional needs
The Museum System

Collection Management

SAYISAL GRAFİK is the Turkish Authorized Dealer of The Museum System (TMS) and eMuseum software, the most advanced museum and archive automation systems used by the world's most reputable museums, galleries and archives.

The world's leading collection management software, The Museum System (TMS), has been preferred by more than 800 institutions around the world.

eMuseum, which enables collections to be shared on the Intranet or the Internet, works integrated with The Museum System.

Broad User Base








collection type


languages (incl. Turkish)


institutions in Turkey


“When I joined the Arter team in 2014, we transferred all existing data and documents to The Museum System (TMS) software specially designed for collection management. Thanks to this automation program, with which we can save almost all kinds of information and documents regarding the art works and create connections between them, we can monitor the relations of each work with artists, curators, institutions, exhibitions, events, publications and other works. We can manage the notes taken about them, their photographs, the condition controls and conservation stages. We can easily follow the transportation process and location changes in the warehouse and check insurance updates. As the collection team, we see as our duty, not only preserving a work at international standards and in the most appropriate conditions, but also contributing to art history by creating its memory.”

Behiye Bobaroğlu

Collection Manager

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